Monday, June 7, 2010

Welcome to The Etsy Register!

Hello, there!  My name is Annie, and I'm the voice behind the style blog Time Enough For Drums and the seller behind the Etsy shop Timely Vintage.  I want to thank you so much for stopping by to participate in this lovely new venture!  This project was created by Etsy Sellers and Style Bloggers as a way to promote our lovely shops, create community, and introduce other members of the blogosphere to many wonderful shops out there you may not already know about.  The site is intended to be all-inclusive for anyone who is an Etsy Seller and Style Blogger: you can have a photo link to your wonderful shop on the sidebar free of charge, post Etsy updates for your shop, post any articles you care to compose, or post other collaborations you're currently involved in with other members of this blogosphere.  If you want to participate, please shoot us an email at!

You can expect to see many exciting things on this site!  Of course, as noted, there will be amazing shop updates for all Etsy lovers out there; in addition, we'll have Etsy Shop Spotlights, tips and tricks for Etsy Sellers, and numerous other collaborations that are still in the works.  We hope this site will grow and evolve over time and hope any individual wanting to lend their voice does so.  Everyone involved is extremely excited for the amazing potential this blog project will have for all participants, and we hope you will be, too! Thus, thanks for stopping by and jump on in!

--Annie, Time Enough For Drums


  1. Hello! I am looking forward to your future posts!

  2. great! i'm subbing and can't wait to see what unfolds!

  3. This is such a great idea! I'm not an Etsy Seller, but definitely a buyer (and blogger), and love to support this inspiring community.

  4. Best. Idea. Ever. I'm so excited to see what this site becomes over time!
